Our brain worked in a unique way for everyone and people's way of thinking hardly changes. Recently i did a few things that myself even didn't notice. For example , I usually click on my favorite's tab to view
Blog Wawasan and i rarely type in the url myself till i actually did and you know what i typed ? I typed www.blogwawasan.blogspot.com cos I'm so used to view blogs at blogspot. Besides that i tried to start my motorbike with my car keys and even took back what I should left at home after putting it back at the spot.
Sometimes i felt that I'm on a auto-pilot mode , the body is just doing what it is used to and sometimes i felt that I'm really aware of what I'm doing . This is just like the auto-fill in system that it automatically fill the blanks , for example after you login your mail the next time will you log in , it will fill in before you type the whole thing.
Our memory is like a big cupboard , we don't forgot things but just can't bring it out . Sometimes other things that happen trigger it . For example , you remember to do your chores when you see someone else doing it . This always happen in a super market when we saw what other people is buying , we will think whether we need it too .
dream is the experience of envisioned images, sounds, or other sensations during sleep
. It occurs in humans, most mammals, and some birds. The events of dreams are often impossible or unlikely to occur in physical reality, and are usually outside the control of the dreamer. The exception is lucid dreaming, in which dreamers realize that they are dreaming, and are sometimes capable of changing their oneiric reality and controlling various aspects of the dream, in which the
is suspension of disbelief often broken. Dreamers may experience strong emotions while dreaming. Frightening or upsetting dreams are referred to as
Source : WikipediaI once experience double dream where you were dreaming about you dreaming in your dream about something else, the feeling is so weird cos i have to wake up twice and sometimes you couldn't wake up from a nightmare.