Well...the execution i meant is that about killing peoples it's about do what you have in your minds instead of not doing . I have a lot of plans in my head but only a few of them i actually did them : the rest just still wondering in my head waiting to be done .
After i stopped WoW for a moment ,I realize I got a lot of things to be done and I'm working on it and I hope this time the thing will be done & not the usual " I can do it later ~~~ "
Tagged by Sasi :
Both in not any particular order
Top 5 Foods :
1) Pork Intestine Sup ( Grandma Recipe )
2) Roti Canai with crab gravy a.k.a kuah nande ( Jamal Nasi Kandar )
3) Chilies' steak or any great steak =D
4) Laksa ( Only Opposite PCGHS no other places for me )
5) Anything which is cheap & not overpriced =P
15 Things before I /gg
1) Get the title millionaire
2) Travel to see the 7 wonders of the world & round it
3) Taste the foods from around the world
LoL sorry , couldn't think much anymore =D
do the things running around your head la:)
well interesting :)
Good luck
gotta love the pork intestines. Chillies? never been there la...aiyo waste.
can taruh the redbox also ma.
i hear they only hired chinese ><
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